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Meet Junior!

Name: Junior
Breed: Chihuahua Mix
Sex: Neutered Male
Age: 10 years
Weight: 17 lbs

Has Behavioral Needs

Good with dogs? Yes, Junior likes calm dogs and does not like dogs that are pushy.

Good with cats? Yes, Junior does not chase after cats and will just smell them and lick them.

Good with kids? No, Junior does not like kids.

Energy level: Junior is low energy but enjoys a good 30 minute walk 2x a day. He is not interested in toys, but he loves to go for car rides!

Behavioral needs: Since Junior is an adorable looking pup, people want to pet him immediately, but they need to give him space or else he will nip. He adjusts to new people as long as they ignore him at first and wait for him to approach. He needs several days to get to know and trust a new person, then he can be a best buddy.

Animal Characteristics: Junior is lovely, faithful, snuggly, and relaxed once he knows and trusts his person. He will just hang out and sleep during the day, providing cute companionship. He is a good listener, comes when his name is called and likes to give little kisses. He will go to bed when you do, cuddle under the covers, and wake up when you do, ready for another happy day!

Please learn more about the adoption process and fill out an application at You can also contact my friends at PawsCo at if you have questions. I look forward to meeting you!

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